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NvOAWrapperCache.exe 사용방법 -묵직한

  • 칡흙신
  • 2019-04-25 14:40
  • https://heroes.nexon.com/common/postview?b=63&n=2707

근데. 게임을 2시간쯤하니. 컴퓨터가 멈추는 현상 발생설치하고.재부팅 안해서 그런듯...?? 다음에는 몇시간도 성공.


OAWrapper -p game_path -a shortname [-h] [-g c|a|k|b] [-s] [-o]

Implements OA support for non-OA games.

-h show this usage.

-a set application shortname with next argument. Required.

-p set game full path with next argument. Required.

-g get settings.

c get current settings.

a get all supported settings.

k get known settings.

b get all benchmarks.

-s set settings from input. Format:





-t use streaming wrapper version.

사용하니. 마영전이 묵직해졌습니다. ㅇ_ㅇ;;

정확한 사용방법은 저도 모릅니다. ㅇ_ㅇ;;

OAWrapper.exe 사용방법

cd C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/NVIDIA/NvBackend/ApplicationOntology

C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/NVIDIA/NvBackend/ApplicationOntology/OAWrapper.exe -p E:/Nexon/Heroes/ko-KR/heroes.exe -a mabinogi_heroes -g a -s Resolution;1024x768;ENUM -o

NvOAWrapperCache.exe 사용방법

C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/NVIDIA/NvBackend/ApplicationOntology/NvOAWrapperCache.exe E:/Nexon/Heroes/ko-KR/heroes.exe

뭔지 모르지만 같이 설치


C:/Users/IEUser/AppData/Local/NVIDIA/NvBackend/Packages/0000d534/CoProc update.26158110.exe


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