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Proton 8.0 과 Linux Kernel 6.3

  • 칡흙신
  • 2023-04-25 08:24
  • https://heroes.nexon.com/common/postview?b=63&n=3636

마영전 엔진 + 밸브 소스엔진 + 스팀 + 리눅스의 윈도우 게임 지원이 강화 되었다. ㅇ_ㅇ''

(4) 9to5Linux 님의 트위터: "#Linux Kernel 6.3 Officially Released, This Is Whats New https://t.co/PH1zGVPtpr #OpenSource https://t.co/OL4uQN8ZtN" / 트위터


Valve Releases Proton 8.0 as the Biggest Update to Date for Linux Gaming - 9to5Linux


Proton 8 IS HERE for Steam Deck and Linux desktop - YouTube

GitHub - ValveSoftware/Proton: Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components



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